GTX vs. RTX Graphics Cards - Which is Better for Gaming?

May 09, 2022

Gaming enthusiasts and professionals always require the best gaming hardware to experience smooth gameplay and jaw-dropping visuals. Graphics cards play an essential role in the overall gaming experience, and choosing the best one depends upon many factors. However, there stands a debate between GTX and RTX graphics cards, which one is better?

In this blog, we'll provide an unbiased comparison between the GTX and RTX graphics cards and help you choose the best one according to your needs. Let's get started!

GTX Graphics Cards

GTX graphics cards are well-known among gamers for their reliability, affordability, and durability. They provide impressive performance and are ideal for casual gamers that play games at lower graphic settings.

The GTX graphics cards are built with powerful graphics processing units (GPU) to tackle most games at a decent frame rate. For instance, the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti provides 75 FPS (frames per second) performance in games like Fornite at 1080p. This is perfect for gamers who prefer higher frame rates over visual quality.

However, GTX graphics cards do lack some high-end features that professional gamers require, such as real-time ray tracing, which brings us to the next contender.

RTX Graphics Cards

RTX graphics cards are the latest technology that comes equipped with real-time ray tracing and artificial intelligence (AI)-based features. These features help in rendering hyper-realistic graphics and provide exceptional performance in games that require high-end graphics.

When tested against GTX graphics cards, the RTX graphics cards outperformed their competitors by a mile. In games like Metro Exodus, the RTX 2080 Ti provides 90 FPS at 1080p with Ultra graphics settings, making it the best gaming graphics card in the market.

The RTX graphics cards are perfect for professional gamers who require the best hardware to experience smooth gameplay with high-end graphics. However, RTX graphics cards come with a higher price tag than their GTX counterparts.


When it comes to choosing between GTX and RTX graphics cards, it ultimately comes down to the user's preference and budget. If you're a casual gamer who prefers higher frame-rates over visuals, a GTX graphics card could be the right choice for you. However, if you're a professional gamer or enthusiast, RTX graphics cards would offer the best performance and ultra-realistic graphics.

We hope this comparison helps you in choosing the perfect gaming graphics card that meets your gaming needs.


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